Software application managing clinical activities in a hospital and long-term care environment
The time needed to download, scan or physically bring a written prescription to the pharmacy is over. With PANDAWebRx, doctors can prescribe directly from an electronic platform, sending prescriptions instantly to the pharmacy.
Optimising medication delivery while reinforcing security
Complete electronic prescriber-advisor
- Prescribing from protocolized lists (“OrderSet”, FOPR) to standardize prescriptions according to the best practices in place;
- Ability to customize an unlimited number of prescription forms to simplify prescribing;
- Prescribing from a previous episode and lists based on favorites according to the preferences of the professional, care unit/clinic or institution;
- Prescribing from a performant, simple and user-friendly search bar allowing professionals to quickly find prescriptions;
- Managing countersignatures for phone/verbal prescriptions, prescription suggestions or prescriptions written by students in a university context.
Electronic medication administration record
- Safe administration of medication using barcode scanning;
- Quick access to information about medication and its administration;
- Medication review ensuring pharmacological profile integrity.
Medication reconciliation report
- Production of a BPHM report with information coming from previous hospitalization episodes;
- Medication reconciliation process at admission, transfer and on departure, generating paper or electronic prescriptions.
Clinical notes module
- Adaptation of every aspect of a clinical note and the possibility to create as many models as necessary, ensuring total flexibility and complete documentation;
- Automatically filled data fields with pertinent information minimizing errors and speeding up entry process;
- Automation of clinical note creation for superior efficiency, allowing healthcare personnel to dedicate more time to patient care.
Anticoagulant therapy module
- Entierely customizable;
- Interfaceable with any laboratory software system;
- Management of suspended follow-ups during hospitalization and importation of adjustments made during hospitalization;
- Sending documents by email or by fax;
- Management of alerts and reminders;
- Personalized statistics of anticoagulant therapy data.
Other features
PANDAWebRx can be called contextually by other systems. It is compatible with any web browser. It is simple and responsive on PCs and tablets. An interactive help web page is available online.
Our software application is constantly evolving. In addition to features that have not been mentioned, we frequently add new features to serve you better. Do not hesitate to contact us to obtain the entirety of our features and technical specifications.